I have a Grado Platinum 4.6 mv on a Rega P-25/RB-600 arm.My phono pre is in my Rogue 99 with Telefunkins and Radiotechniques.Pro-Siway MK2's to a Aleph-3 30 wpc,class A bias..MIT T-2 biwire to 92 db 8 ohm Paradigmn Reference 80's.... I get more volume than I need with this set up/room.The bass is very good,deep and tight.Many feel the Alpeh-3 lacks bass but I am very pleased.Im looking to upgrade my cartridge.At $1200 or less retail,please tell me what you feel is a KILLER rock-n-metal cartridge.I need to keep it at a medium or high output.Thanks!!
david: you ought to give the benz h2 a try. it has the high output you need (2.5mV) and sounds wonderful with any genre (i think of it as a "baby" ruby2 with easier-to-handle output). it can be had for $800 with trade-in. -kelly
Kelly,is this the H20?? My dealer,Mario of "Toys from the Attic" offered me a H20 with low hours for $749....