Best Cd Player under $4000?

My system is the following:Cambridge Azur 840C cd player, Pathos Classic One MKIII,Focal Chorus 826V speakers,Running Spring Audio(Haley) line conditioner,Cardas Golden Reference AC cords and Kubala Sosna Emotion balanced inter. and speaker cables.My system sounds a little bit on the lean side and could have a better soundstage.
I mostly listen to instrumental jazz and acoustic music (piano,guitar),trios/quartets.I'm in the process of upgrading my cd player.

Esoteric SA-10,Bryston BCD-1,AMR CD777,any other ?
If you haven't seen it, you'll want to read this review of your amplifier, which describes several tweaks and tube changes that reduced the leanness they found it to possess, and also improved its imaging:

Also, although I haven't heard it I suspect that the Doge 6 cdp ($1586), which has been commented on favorably by many audiophiles and is tube-based and contains an excellent dac, might add some of the richness you are looking for:

-- Al
I found the 840C a little lean also. I've since upgraded to a Marantz SA-15S2 and am now content.
Ditto to a tee what Cincy-Bob said. The AMR is, IMHO, the best sounding player under $20,000. Actually, I haven't heard anything above $20,000 that betters it either (but I haven't heard the top of the line Zanden).
I agree with Jaybo, find better speakers. That's where you problem is - I used to sell JM lab and the Chorus line was lean and mean - I closed them out fast.
I third Jaybo and Audio Revelation. I can't recall which model of Focals I had as they only lasted a week or so in my set up. Lean & mean is a understatement. No control on high end.
I moved mine to many times to try and correct this. The last move was out the door.