Best DAC under 2k US ?

I'm thinking of a DAC for my nearfield focal monitors (CMS series). I'm looking for a nuetral to warmish sounding DAC without overly harsh or bright tonality and also musical.

I don't know much about DAC's and I can't audition where I am right now.

Calyx DAC, Bel Canto, Peachtree, Ayer, W4S, Weiss Minerva. Anything else?

Which would suit me best.


Showing 6 responses by vicdamone

I posted the wrong price for the Metrum Octave DAC.

The correct price at the current rate of exchange as of 1/31/2012 is $977.01, which includes shipping and PayPal fees.

You thought this was going to be easy? Here are some sites to get your foot in the door.

Darko DAC Index

Audiophilleo (a USB interface that you may choose to use even if your DAC choice inputs 192kHz) It seems many manufactures claimed jitter rejection is not what its claimed to be and this thing seems to prove it.

Anido DAC


Audio-gd NFB 7.1 DAC

Eastern Electric Minimax DAC

Mhdt Labs


You'll be introduced to many more choices by searching for comparisons of these. The Darko index and the Computer Audiophile (forum) will have more information. Don't forget to get some sleep.
Stanwal, I tried posting a ping to you and another Metrum Octave subject line and they must have been moderated out. Anyway-

I'm in the market and the Totaldac review really stopped me looking at the usual suspects which lead me to the 6Moons review of the Octave. If its half as good as that review I'm all in. Also, I became interested in the Audiophilleo.

Could you post an update?
I just ordered the Metrum Octave DAC in Blanc at the current 01/29/2012 exchange rate for $1156.63 which includes shipping, PayPal fee, and a 5-7 week lead time.

I'm considering the Audiophilleo-2 @ $579.

Devilboy's system would seem more than capable of revealing the different presentations of his direct experiences. Thanks.

I was seconds away from a half hearted order of the W4S DAC-1 with the cap and BNC upgrades. With California sales tax and shipping it would have been a bit more expensive.
If I'm not mistaken the Metrum Octave can be ordered with a black extrusion body but it looks like the face plate remains aluminum. Email to be sure.

The Octave is non over sampling (NOS) 24bit 176.5hKz DAC with switched SPDIF/RCA and optical inputs and L/R RCA outputs.

I was looking for a DAC with all the features myself. After weeks of prowling the internet I was struck first by the very successful topology of the French Totaldac but it is way beyond my budget. I was lead to the Octave which has a somewhat similar topology using different components at an incredible savings while maintaining unanimously well reviewed sonics.

My digital library is predominately 16-41kHz and 24-96kHz, I can't imagine I'll even notice the lack of those few extra kHz.

Adding an Audiophilleo USB to SPDIF converter with no more than 2-8ps measured jitter and your still at or under $1500. The Audiophilleo website is a must read including ALL the links under their comparison chart.
Devilboy, I'm just learning about it myself. I found their website more informative than most in the digital audio industry. They published jitter measurements from multiple methods, each one very low.

I like the sensibility that it attaches directly to a DAC. Like the Octave, I have yet to read a negative review aside from a few reviews being done on uber expensive DAC's were the Audiophilleo had less of an affect than it did on less expensive DAC's.

Two strong reasons to use this converter are if your DAC does not have a USB input. It may even greatly improve DAC's with less effective USB receivers.

Its direct connection to the DAC eliminates the digital SPDIF cable.