Best Digital Amps

Out of Spectron, Tact, CarverPro, Bel Canto etc.
After watching the posts for several weeks I decided to take the plunge and purchase the eAR mono bloc amps directly from Acoustic Reality.

In the last few years I've on owned amplifiers from Conrad Johnson, Mark Levinson (331 and 333) Rowland (Model 5), Krell (KSA 250 and FPB 600) VAC (90), VTL (225), and several others. The eAR amplifiers are by far the best I've ever had in my system. These amplifiers have phenomenal bass extension, speed, and a liquid mid-range. I am not saying that these are the best amplifiers in existence however they are the best that I have ever had in my system. These amplifiers make others sound muddy and congested, in addition they are dynamic and image like the best tube amps.

No, I'm not a distributor, dealer, or interested in becoming one. I don't know anyone at Acoustic Reality or have any stock in the company. I never post on these types of websites because listening is such a subjective and personal experience that the only way to judge a product is to listen in your own system. I am posting only because I have discovered a product that is significantly better than anything I have previously experienced. Anyone in the market for a high end amplifier needs to know that there is a product that may be an order of magnitude better than anything currently on the market.

My system consists of a Mark Levinson 37 transport, ML 38S preamp, ML 360S DAC and Piega C-10 Limited speakers. I use Chang and PS Audio conditioners and Straight Wire Crescendo cable.
I recently bought a Carver 1600 and sold my Classe 400 after hearing more bass, dynamics, volume, and details out of my Mirage m3 (86db) which were always hard to drive. In fact, I am buying another 1600 as I got more than enough from the Classe to run the 1600s in mono. Can't wait to hear the M3s finally sing.
Boy, have you dredged up an old thread, Zapper. Times have marched on. IMO the greatest digital wreath now goes to the start up company, H2O.

The stereo H20 sells for 2k, a reasonable price, considering it's competition.

Buyers are jettisoning their Bel Canto Evos, eAR amps, PS Audios, and scores of others, to make way for their new ICE powered H2O amps.... Including me, of course.
Digital Amp ?? Maybe i'm missing something here, but how does an amp, amplify a digital amp. Is it just an amp with a dac built in or what ?? Sorry about my ignorance on this subject, but i've just never heard of anything referred to as a digital amp.