I did finally heard the klimax DS. TO ME, it was good... but not better than my Esoteric. This was a few weeks ago already, and I did post my views on a different post. However I will share my views with you here as well. Just in case they are of use to anyone. NOte as always, only my opinion to my ears, and in my sytem / room combo...
So how it was, and compared to the Esoteric X01-D2. Close in some aspects, equal in others, (very good soundstage, open and wide, nice separation and air and good dynamics). In all of the above, not better than the Esoteric, but not worse either. Very good player.
HOwever the Linn Klimax did felt short in the bass extension, Esoteric was warmer, and with deeper and nicer texture of instruments and voices. This was specially so in female voices and pianos.
Overall, a very good piece, but not better than my current CDP (actually, it felt behind to my ears and in my system.). I would define the soteric sound as more rich... sort of speak. Really don't think this is the better digital player out there... at least in my personal opinion, as Linn claims.
I decided to pass on it. It's a shame since I did want a ethernet streaming solution, but not willing to commit such an amount of money to end up probably listening most of the time to the CDP anyway.
I think I will go with a much cheaper solution for casual listening and to rip old Cds in bad condition. Eventually, other units will come to the market although this may take a while.