Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
200+ Responses to this thread and no mention of Linda Eder. NOT her latest(Gold), although it is still good, but the two before this one: "It's Time" and "It's No Secret Anymore" She has a voice like no one else. Her vocals are backed by an energetic orchestra. Very few recordings this much fun.
Jewel, I can understand your reaction to Diana's previous material. While the reviews of Look of Love have been extremely varied, I think we have a tendency to like or be more attached to our first exposure to something special. Look into Jacintha's three releases as well. Have fun.

There's been a lot of buzz lately surrounding Norah Jones' CD, I own it myself and think it's well recorded and very good overall. But are there any other people out there besides me that think she kinda has a odd quirky voice?
Ooops. I think I may have misinterpreted your post. Your lukewarm reception was in reference to your new Barber, Wilson, etc. CDs right? Have a listen online at to Diana Krall's older stuff and you'll see what I mean..
Try Diane Schuur (especially "Swingin'for schuur") Patricia Barber (any of hers), The best of Joan Baez, The best of Crystal Gail ("I'll get over you") Margo Timmins of the Cowboy Junkies (any of them) and finally Lucinda Williams (any also). These should keep you listening for awhile.