Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
Both "La llorona" and "The Living Road" are amazing. Unique voice and personality.
The just release (January 20th,2004) cd of Lisa Gerrard in her first collaboration with award-winning Irish composer Patrick Cassidy titled 'IMMORTAL MEMORY'. Lisa sings in Aramaic, Gaelic, and her own shape and form sounds. It is one of the most hauntingly beautiful voice and music I have heard in a very long time. Most worthy of one of my top three/ten 2004 cd picks and it's only the 3rd week of the new year.
A singer I wrote about before. She sings in Korean and she has the slickest voice, the most tender voice I have heard from any artist. Her name is Lee Soo Young. Here is a link to several of her videos. You would be surprised at the quality of her music and video work. There is a low resolution streaming video and a high resolution one. You choose. The icon with the red tv is the high resolution version. If you choose the hi resolution one, let it buffer, when the icon comes out asking for Yes/No, say yes. Wait for buffering. When it completes and the video is still choppy, take the slider icon back to the beginning, and the video will play fine.
I don't know about best, but, I'd like to add Nancy Wilson. I can't believe this is the first time I've seen this thread.