best fluid for vpi 16.5 cleaner non-vpi brand?


I just purchased a vpi 16.5 on the 'gon and have not received it yet. It has some vpi's own fluid but wanted to know what people recommend for basic versus deep cleaning with the the vpi.

I know there have been similar threads but they often go onto tangents about brushes and other stuff!!


I'm actually using Disc Doctor with double rince which also works quite well. I may have to try the Walker or AI but the reports of success with a variety of fluids makes me wonder if the most important part of the process is actually the gentle but meticulous scrubbing process. I won't go into a tangent on brushes and such...don't worry.
These record cleaning solutions that use "active enzymes" is the key.

Active enzymes are used for cleaning, sterilizing on a microbe level in the medical and laboratory fields.

You are not going to find a superior cleaner or any other method that even approaches the results of what active enzymes will do.

A cleaned Lp with enzymes rendered shocking sonic results with recorded music I thought I knew well.

The end results are that good....
I agree with Stiltskin. I've used DD and other surfactant based solutions. None of them comes close to a process like AIVS or Prelude that begins with an enzyme soak. The improvement is indeed shocking.

Scrubbing has little to do with it. I scrub only lightly. My records are far cleaner and quieter than they used to be and scrubbing harder doesn't make them more so (except perhaps for garage sale filth, which we rarely bother with).

The brush type is of some importance, but keeping the brushes clean is more so, especially the two used for a final double rinse with extremely high grade water.

The Talisman works as you described, but if you want a real shock then try a stronger (AC powered) demagnetiser. We have one that cost less than half the price of a Talisman and provides a much greater benefit. The effects seem to be permanent and it really does a job on tubes and cabling too. There's always more! :-)
Hi Doug, yes there is always more! Crazy isn't it? In that same vein, try some of the Walker Step 4 Final Rinse. It sure surprised me.

Has your demagnetifier been reviewed by any of the professional rags?

I use a dartzeel preamp and amp that sits 12-30 inches away from the tt respectively and they are rather finicky and sensitive so am wary of these products a little! I know it needs to be kept away from the cartridge!
