Best format for SteelyDan...

I have virtually everything by "The Dan" including solo stuff on LP, CD or SACD. Hoping to find recordings that improve sonics over the pre-Aja CDs; in particular, "Pretzel Logic" "Katy Lied" & "The Royal Scam". Are the "re-masters" the way to go? Have these 3 even been re-mastered?

As an editorial comment, I don't understand why these guys don't have everything re-issued in some kind of hi-res format. If you know otherwise - please advise!
(fwiw - I'm running an upgraded Denon 2910 "universal" player). Thanks in advance for your advice. Ciao.
Thanks for the (mostly) helpful advice. Bill - I have SD on old vinyl...will have to pull them out. Not sure if they are original or re-issues. Ric - don't have "You Gotta Walk It...". Never heard of it but just googled and see it is the first work credited to Fagen/Becker. I will check it out further. Schubert - don't get your no doubt pithy response. "Trash Can"? - dissing the Dan or my CDP?

Thanks again.