Best fuses for under $50?

I need six of them for a power amp therefore I need something more economical...  say $50 or less. Any suggestions?


Showing 12 responses by geoffkait

You got me there, nonoise. I must've forgot. Audiophiles are *intimately familiar* with their systems. Which is why their systems sound so *good." Not why their systems sound so *bad."  My mistake. 😀

I don’t wish to be argumentative but I’m pretty sure that it’s actually rather difficult to separate out the "ups and downs" of fuse break in or any other kind of break in, especially over a period of hundreds of hours or more. That’s a hundred hours of music being played. The reason I say that is because of all the intentional and unintentional factors or variables audiophiles are subject to every day. It’s a question of cause and effect. Nothing is in stasis. What do I mean by unintentional factors and variables? Well, things like weather, time of day, day of week, sunspot activity, changes to the system, and others, without getting too crazy. Sounds good on a nice sunny day and terrible on a rainy day. What card carrying audiophile is going to sit on his hands while he waits for the latest fuse, cable, preamp, what have you, to break in? There’s not enough time in the universe for that. There is also the sticky problem of the next fuse. and the one after that. Do you wait around for a couple hundred hours for them too? 😛

Georgie, I would never think you were insensitive. Uninformed, perhaps, but not insensitive.

I said it would be fun but I didn’t say for who.

I trust you weren't concerned I'd stick some pins in the voodoo doll, eh? Hmmmmm...



My livers fine Geoff, it’s your senility I’d be worried about.

>>>>Time to hit the showers, Georgie. Looks like you've run out of ammo, anyway.

By the way, tumor was much funnier than senility. You should have gone with your gut. 😀

George, please give my sincere condolences to your liver.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

🐏 🐏 🐏 🚶

Whoa! What? Looks like I t’s still the same tired Strawman argument, that "properly implemented" or properly working fuses are all that’s needed. I mean unless you’ve completely given up and no longer wish to chase the dragon and pursue the whole sound quality thing. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the purity of the metals of the end caps and fuse wire as well as attention vibration and RFI, cryogenics, affect fuse performance. Just like cables. I don’t even have to utter that forbidden word, you know, the one that sets naysayers’ hair ablaze. 🔥 🔥 🔥

Yes, the best fuse is no fuse. Bypass the bugger or use a circuit breaker for your on/off switch.

Death Wish IV

analogluvr330 posts08-09-2017 9:41pm I buy a package of six Bussman’s for under $10. Only fools spend more! Only bigger fools think that directionality makes a difference. Bigger fool’s yet sell bags of rocks. The biggest fools of all buy them

Only the gullible get drawn into this, with expectation bias.

Cheers George

You don’t even know what expectation bias is, do you, George? Another example of backwards marching anti audiophiles trying to come up some silly reason why everyone else is marching forward. Let’s not turn yet another fuse thread into yet another flaming pile of anti audiophile diatribes and frothing personal attacks.

🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶

atmasphere, just curious. Are they directional? Who is "we?" Oh, one more question. Compared to what? 


I buy a package of six Bussman's for under $10. Only fools spend more! Only bigger fools think that directionality makes a difference. Bigger fool's yet sell bags of rocks. The biggest fools of all buy them.

Did you try reversing them one at a time to check for directionality? 
See link for Cable Company Master List of Audiophile Fuses. I count 9 fuses under $70.

cheers, GK