Best Headphones & Amp---Opinions Please

I have a B&W / Lexicon centered high-end system. Just discovered the joy of listening to headphones. Have the Senn 650's with an upgraded 15 foot Cardas cable (no headphone amp) connected directly to my Onkyo 905 receiver. I would like to "push the envelope" in this area by upgrading to whatever my fellow aduiogoner's may suggest.

I would like opinion on the best equipment available. Cost is not a major consideration, but, I would rather not spend considerably more just for a 5 to 10% improvement--in other words---the most bang for the bucks.

Thanks in advance for your assistance--Dave

Showing 2 responses by bongofury

I love the Almarro amp. For the dollar, the best tube amp in the market. I also adore the Leben 300SX and the Luxman N100. All share a highly musical presentation, without the high end cost of competing with Shindo and McIntosh tube products. The Almarro is built like a tank, and IMO, sounds actually on par with their 318 model.

I like the AKG 701 for jazz. The combination with any tube amp is impressive. Nice timbres and decay.

For rock and alternative music, I also love the new B & W 5 headphone. The ear footprint is very comfortable. I also love the new Grado 10 earbuds.

I have gotten to the point that I am listening to phones 90 percent of my time.