Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Sixmoons had trouble finding any significant faults with the Unico.

And their description is pretty much what one would want to hear regarding a hybrid integrated design (versus tube or "tubeless", like the Rowland.

Maybe not as muscular regarding power output as say the Rowland.

Sounds pretty darn good, if not the best.

Kiwi, do you know if it doubles output into 4 and 2 ohms?
Perrew thanks for your comments!

I compared the Diablo against Graff (many models), Consonance (single ended and forbidden city), Mcintosh MC-2102+C2200, aesthetix calypso + atlas, edge (the 10.000 model), nagra ( the pyramid monblocks) are quite a few I can remember!

Trust me, you cant go wrong with the gryphon!

It has all the advantages of good solid state amps plus a great timbre and lack of harshness in the upper frequencies!
No such thing as best because there is also synergy components at play.
But I would put Plinius, Accuphase, Gryphoon, Jeff Rowland, ML 383 on that list as well.
How about the Unico 200? Is it in the same league as these others?

Also, how about any of the larger Musical Fidelity integrateds?
Berning ZH270. It may not be what you expect, with a volume pot and two line in,but it is something to have heard. I own the Accuphase E550, which I consider wonderful, and on a par with the Einstein "the absolute tune", Pathos TT - the Berning is something alltogether different.
good luck