Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
There have been numerous threads on the subject of "Hi-Fi vs. musicality". Reading these posts, I come away with the impression that many consider these the two extremes of a sliding scale - to the degree that you choose one you sacrifice the other. IMHO, the New Audio Frontiers Supreme 300b SE integrated makes the strongest statement, that I've ever heard, that one component can offer SOTA performance in both. It's too bad that they aren't marketed more aggressively in the US.
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A Jadis DA 60 with rolled input tubes. I use the usual best 5751 period which is th PITA to get triple mica blackplate Sylvania. And for the 12AU7s I have yet to find anything that comes close to the Amperex Heerlen only early 1960s late 1950s long plate 7316. My understanding is that they have switched quite wisely to the GL reissue KT 88, really a great tube. I am not fond of Jadis use of KT 90s which sound and act like time bombs in those circuit.
The Da 88S is the current offer and I imagine a worthy successor to the DA 60 which had an incredibly long production run. I was fortunate to buy an older one at a decent price which had just been fixed up. Otherwise cost is bordering on the ridiculous but still a lot less than some of the nominated best cost no object. I don't know the current price and once again it appears that there is no NA distributor. Correct me if I am wrong.