Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Joeyboynj, have you been out of the country or without the internet? Why all the postings?
Keithr, what do you mean? What is not even close to the DarTZeel? All integrateds?
I think he means that nothing performs close to the DarTZeel. I sure hope he's right because the cost of admission is up there. I'm not implying it's not worth it. It's a matter of means and priority.

I believe two of these maybe poweramps with passive preamps at the front, that have input switching, no active preamplifier as such, the Vitus SS101, and APL UA-S1.
Many are doing this these days, esspecially among tube integrateds.

Cheers George