Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Hi, Dan D Agistno just came out with an intergrated amp, Brand new product, I do not no anything about it yet, however, I seen pics on the net, very impressive work-man-ship, If it's anything like the amps, This would be an intergrated amp to be recond with!
Just jumping back in to give kudos to the Exemplar gear. I now have about several hours on this unit and it is really sounding great. I also have been using John's Exception DAC and the Oppo 105 as the transport. I have had some amazing gear on my rack (tube momo-blocks, etc...) but none have the beautiful SQ that the Exemplar Audio gear has. It is close in bass/lower end to the Bob Carver mono-blocks I owned but not quite there; however, it excels in every other area. Singer's voices are spot on especially the ladies. The pricing is great for such a fabulous component. I was never high on integrated amps but I have no desire to go back to separates.