Best line conditioner???

I've heard that line conditioners make a big difference by cleaning up all the garbage and noise between your outlet and equipment. Is it true and can you suggest something half decent...HELP!!!
I use the Audio Magic Stealth. Dramatic change in my system. Everything, except my sub is plugged into it. Dramatic difference. Small, light and given the costs of the other big boys, pretty reasonable. Maybe a better word is competitive. 'tis a bit pricey, but worth it.
best line conditioner?

How bout a well thought out beefy power supply.
I still remember when they came in amps. An endangered species now.

i remain
How about a Teflon dielectric, beefy, double-shielded dedicated line? RSVP for details. Cheers
The ps audio 300, this one is good it has multiwave,
you can switch it, very good unit. the ultimate power
is also good, to save money get the juice bar, the
monster cable Hts 100 is very musical. It depends on
your need. Do they work? absolutely yes yes.......
I have to agree with you Clueless and Subaruguru, if your amplifier(s) has a good enough power supply and you have good dedicated lines with good connections and outlets, you will likley hear less improvement with a line conditioner. I do not use any conditioning on my amps, just a dedicated 20 amp line with a good outlet and power cord. I only use the conditioner on my digital now (and if I ever get my phono stage back, I may try it on that as well).