With all due respect to Chatty1, the Speltz Anti-Cables were beaten badly in my system by the Xindak FS-1 cables. They're not easy to find, I believe www.nysound.com is one of the few places you can buy them, but they're worth it, IMHO. They sound glorious in my system, and they're very inexpensive. I took a chance on them and am absolutely thrilled with the results.
OTOH, I was shocked at how "hifi-ish" the Anti cables sounded in my system (Nuforce Ref 9s, Shanling t100, Audible Illusions Mod3A, Audio Physic Virgos, VPI/Blackbird, Goertz MicroPurl ICs.) I was expecting big things after all the buzz. On the plus side the 10 ft Speltz cables have great detail, nice transparency and pretty good timbre, but on the minus side they provided almost zero space around instruments, everything was smashed together, there was little presence or sense of recording space, and absolutely no depth at all. Even my old Kimber 8TC outperformed them. Maybe it's the Nuforce's causing a mismatch, I don't know. But the Anti's are going back.
And that's the good news - they have a 30 day return, will cost ya ten bucks and a little shipping, but at least you can try them in YOUR system. They did not work in mine.
if you feel like taking a chance as I did, hunt down the Xindak cable, spend your 200+ bucks, and revel in the great sound!