Best movies last two years

I haven't watched many dramas lately. Best was "Love Song for Bobby ...".

What have you enjoyed ?
The documentary "Paper Clips" is quite powerful. I've seen it twice, and just can't get over how courageous it was for an entire town to so willingly break apart their own stereotypes.

Also, "Memories of Murder" was outstanding. It's a Korean film--based upon a true story--that recalls the strength of "Serpico" & the like. The acting is incredible.
" Actually I thought the grotesquerie of "Sin City" became it's own sort of poetry"
I couldn't agree with you more and didn't mean to suggest otherwise. Concerning Mickey, need you say more? No you needn't.
All of you have forgotten the actual two best films,
Crash, and History of Violence, with Cindrella Man hanging around.