Best multichannel SACDs?

I know there are a lot of excellent two channel SACDs out there of two channel recordings. I've tried some.
However, what about multi-channel SACDs?
I'm looking for some opinions on what you think are good surround recordings on SACD that DO NOT have goofy mixes with instruments and voices in the rear channels. I don't want to be in the middle of the band/orchestra; I want to be in the Hall/room/club with the appropriate ambient sound, as a member of the audience. (remember, that's SACD, not those horrible "compressed" DTS & DD recordings)
I was looking for a previous thread on this subject by doing a search, but there's way too many and I was going cross-eyed. If you know such a thread, point me at it please, or just leave your thoughts here.......Thanks.
Tireguy and Treyhoss: Thanks for the suggestions and clarifications.
I'm familiar with the concept of 2 ch. being better than multi-channel from many of the DVD concerts I've heard. There, you have to deal with DD and DTS "compression" (discarded data) as well as bad mixing of the soundtrack. At least with SACD and DVD-A the sound is good, even if there is aggravating & distracting content in the rear channels. :-)

Kr4; It's not so much a matter of "taste" in regards to musical content; I'm pretty open-minded there. Like I said in the original post, I don't want un-natural placement of voices and instruments in the rear channels. I do realize, however, that some content lends itself to that sort-of thing, like "concept" material from Pink Floyd, Alan Parsons and groups like that. If the artist intended it that way for effect, thats' okay, sometimes. If the rears are playing back stuff put there by so-called engineers for the "Gee whiz" factor, I object to it.
It is a matter of taste. For example, I do not doubt that some of the earlier suggestions in this thread, e.g., Roxy Music, Police, Elton John, etc., are decent recordings (relying on the assessment of others) but I don't care to hear them. Same for Carmina Burana at this stage in my life.

That's why I say that reading a list of recommended MCH recordings, mine or anyone else's, lets you pick what appeals to you. And since such lists and suggestions are rife, you can look 'em up.
Diana Krall. The mix puts alot of stuff in the rear channels, but if your rears are actually on the side, bipole or dipole, with the null facing the listening spot, it is very nice. I'll bet that was the setup when it was mixed. I had my rear surrounds in the rear and it was distracting. Once I moved them, it was pleasurable.
Treyhoss...For the E Power Biggs organ recording, do you refer to the 4 organs in Frieburg Cathedral? That disc is remarkable as an example of what can be done with multichannel playback.