Hello Doug, To start out, I'd like to say thank you for responding, and also to thank you for your countless posts, and contributions to this group, which many I have read.
I've read numerous archived posts regarding many of the top highly regarded brands, such as Benz, Koetsu, Lyra, Dynavector, ZYX, etc.
I guess what I seek is not too different from what others do, when they wish to climb the Analog Ladder.
I'd like better retrieval from the LP's Grooves, and hopefully with it, a quieter, darker background. Things like better, more authorative bass, midrange magic, smooth, but extremely detailed highs, and a more holographic Soundstage-presentation.
While I have mentioned two earlier candidates in the Benz line (New Glider or the Wood Body right above it), I'm certainly not overlooking brands-models such as the Lyra Argo, and the Helikon.
I've read much good with the Argo-Helikon, and I'm sure either would be an impressive step up from my 1st version HO Glider.
The ML Stylus the Lyra possesses sounds like the way to go for these attributes-qualities I seek. My Sutherland PhD should be up to the task, and able to make good use of the increase in quality with one of these Lyras, as one of my good personal friends Thomas M. Back uses uses the Lyra Titan, and Clearaudio Master Reference with his Sutherland PhD.
The only one possible downside I see going to the Lyra (hopefully the Helikon) would be that I don't believe any Lyra Dealer takes Benz Cartridges in trade, so that would most likely mean selling my Glider perhaps here on Agon for a reasonable price, to help offset the cost of the new Cartridge.
I have no precise knowledge of hour's of use on my Glider, I'd probably have to "guess" 300-450 hour's of use, so it's probably not worn out just yet. Mark