Best Place for Negative Reviews?

As I've started reading more reviews of audio equipment, I'm noticing a discouraging trend: They're all positive! If I read one more article that says "this (insert component here) competes with anything 3 times its price!" one more time, I may completely lose faith in reviewers.

And maybe everything above a certain price range sounds good to certain people...but that's the kind of undiscerning ear that doesn't help me learn about which components I should seek to audition.

Is it just me, or do we need more reviewers who put a stake in the ground and just decide which components actually ARE the best values, and which ones you really are just getting what you pay for?
Old Stereophiles from mid to late 80s had a whole bunch of negative reviews.It is very refreshing sometimes to go back and revisit the good old times of true audio reviewing.Unfortunately,it's not a case anymore.I am tired of reviewers raving about Triangle and Musical Fidelity.
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Check out the reasons why rags like stereophile won't write a negative review at arthur salvatore's site. here's the specific link to reviewing the reviewers:

it's eye opening.
Jaybo wrote:
"reviews are for entertainment value professional wrestling."

That is brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many times do you think a reviewer is already wanting an item he "requests" to review in a simple effort to obtain something he really wants anyway on the cheap?
I read reviews and respect some of the folks doing reviews but it just appears that being a reviewer is like winning the lottery for an Audiophile, yea they always go out of their way to say how much work it is and how much they sacrifice for other enthusiasts, it isnt work if it is your hobby and passion so when they try to convince me that what they do is a thankless chore........... I laugh.
With all of the money, favors, freebies, vacations, dinner, lunches, condo usage ad nauseum it's really difficult to take magazine reviews seriously.

Just like political debates and talk radio/television, it must be taken FWIW i.e. entertainment.

Read for fun but listen to learn.