Best place to sell an amp.

Not sure if this is a fair question to ask here, but I want to sell my Harmon Karden Citation V with the Jim Mcshane modifications. 

Do I list it here? On ebay, on Reverb? Ebay seems expensive, I sold something in here and the buyer beat me up about the price for over an hour. That was exhausting :). Never tried reverb. Thoughts?
How do you get "beat up " about the price ?
You list your item for a price . you check the box to accept offers or not . If you do accept offers, then the buyer makes an offer.. you either accept ,decline or counteroffer. Most people decide before they list what there lowest price that they will sell for , or at least have it in mind. If you do not like what they want to pay ,then you can ignore them or tell them what you will take...??
There’s beat up and there’s reasonable offers. You can’t let offers offend you. Politely decline. When it’s the half eaten sandwich and uncle Becky’s boxer shorts in trade, is when it gets annoying. Build in your haggle price to acceptable sale price and say open to offers. Most want the illusion of a deal even if it was a fair price. Be ok with the lowball offer. Just chuckle and enjoy the no. 
@viridian I second CL.  Nothing beats having someone see and hear what you are selling.  No disappointments, no trickery, cash into your hand.
Thanks everyone for your comments. Maybe with stereo stuff it's different but I tried to sell some furniture on Craigslist and the there were hordes of scammers with all sorts of stores that must have been so busy because the same ones wrote me on the different pieces I listed.

As for the past experience with the Audiogon buyer, he came to my office offered hundreds less then what I was selling the amp for, and just kept at me for every $5 increment. Nothing wrong with that really but it was annoying.

If I try to distill my question more:
1. Other the craigslist which is free, what are the relative costs to Ebay, Audiogon, US Audio Mart, Reverb?

2. Which place would be best the best place to sell vintage audio stuff that is modded. I understand that is a pretty unanswerable question but perhaps someone might have some insight.

Thank you all!
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