Best power amp to match Sonus Extrema speakers

Looking for an amp or mono-block amps to match a pair of Sonus Faber Extrema speakers. Wonderful & Incredible speakers but very inefficient to drive. Need an amp with guts and finesse.

Should I go tubes or SS or Hybrid for power amp ?

Budget is under 10K on the used market.

All the best to help my situation.

I would venture a guess that a McCormack DNA 0.5 Rev. A or perhaps a pair of them would do wonders with the Extremas.

A friend of mine in Canada owned the Extremas for years (and recently sold them) had for a number of years powered them with a McCormack DNA-2 LAE(Limited Anniversary Edition) amp.

The DNA 0.5 is pretty legendary in stock form and a Rev A or Rev A Gold could put things over the top. In the right setup, a Rev A should sound like neither tube nor solid state, yet provide the best charactistics of both.

Meridian 557 amps bridged.
McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe Revision A amp
Theta Digital ENTERPRISE MONO blocks
Llano A-300 mono blocks
Classe Cam 300 amps.

I also forgot to mention, I wouldn't use tube amps on the Extremas. The Extremas need lots of power. I'v found high powered solid state amps sound best on them.
I currently drive my Extremas with Convergent Audio Technology JL-1 Monoblock tube amps using KT-90's as output one sentence they are the sound i have been searching for in my 30 years of being an audiophile!...i originally mated the Extrema with Classe CA-301 and they sounded very thin and lifeless with linited the research and you will be happy you did! can e-mail me with questions.
