Best Preamp/Amp Combo for Maggie 1.6QR's?

I have tried Melos SHA-1/Aragon 4004 MkII combo with moderate success but it is on the dark side, not much bloom or 3D sound. Mostly using Cambridge Audio Azure 640 V2 (Very Nice) with Kimber interconnect.

I am thinking maybe a tube pre and solid state high current power.
Does anyone have some suggestions?
Willing to purchase used and like to keep the combo in the $2 to $3K range. System in basement, quite quiet approx. 16' deep x 18" wide, 6.9" drop ceiling carpeted and paneled with dedicated power direct to circuit breaker, double studed walls and insulation.
I will trade VOLUME for MUSICALITY!
HMMMmmmm.....I am reluctant to enter into this frey....but I have had enough Zin tonight to be stupid. So here are some very off the cuff observations. I like maggie 1.6's with (good)tube preamps (SAS, VAC-expensive, and passive EVS DAC attenuators....combined with solid state (Nuforce amps). But having Mye Stands and good (PAD) speaker cables have really made my system a lot more fun to listen to. I think that the (1.6's) are sufficiently easy to drive and that you can have alot of fun experimenting with different solid state amp/tube/passive combinations . So the issue of amps /speakers is really an issue of patience. By the way at one time in a small room I drove the 1.6's with a scott/passive preamp/ 22 watt amp. The sound was GREAT! BUT! it sucked (cliped) when I went to a BIG living room! I think that you will have alot of fun listening to different speaker/amp configurations. Hey let all of us know what you end up doing!

Isn't this a fun hobby!
I've tried a few combinations with my 1.6QR speakers. They like a high current amp if you want to play large orchestral music. Lower power is fine only for polite vocals and jazz (IMHO). For a really inexpensive set up try a luxman R117 receiver and put your digital through with the CD pypass engaged. Very good sound with plenty of clean warm power. I use copper RCA interconnects (silentaudio apollo C) and they work very well for the price. Next level up was my old threshold 4000 class A amp with a Lector Zoe tube pre-amp. This combo finally got the timbre correct on horns and cymbals. Next step (up?) is a innersound esl 300 mark2 which isn't set up yet. Believe it or not, speaker cables and power cords do make a difference. Giant improvement noticed when bi-wired with Apex signature speaker wire vs lower end nordost cables. These are hard to find but worth looking for. I use K-works empowered cords on my digital components and front end and either VD nite or Van den hul mainstream PC's on the amp. I connect the amp directly to the cryo'd wall outlet (Locust designs) and put everything else through a large powervar conditioner. When I get the time I'll upgrade the speaker's crossover components. Other people believe that Classe amps (CA201 or monoblocks)and Simaudio amps work well while others like Brown Electonic Lab amps. I like using SS a amp and a tube pre-amp. Room set up is also important as is using mye stands.
To all, thank you for your suggestions. I am new to this forum so excuse my ignorance but could someone tell me what IMHO means?
Over the years I have owned several Maggies (even had a pair stolen once in Seattle while on vacation) and my experience is they do not open up until you reach a certain db level so I am leaning toward the SS power side. Any thoughts on the Bryston power amps? What are the opinions on the Modulus 3A pre-amp, and is it reliable long term? Also considering Rogue Audio, and AR tube pre amps.
Try an Music Reference RM-9 plenty of power you can probably find a used one on agon.