Sure, a lot of equipment could put out more that it's designed for, but this is short term only. Audiophiles want their amps to give the real power(true watts RMS), both channels driven,20 to 20,000 hz, on a continuous basis. Now that these companies have found ways to use figures such as at 1khz, or whatever else they can to give you a phony rating. Here is an Onkyo receiver that can make one think it will give 135 watts a channel. But the test results show it is far from it. And they only tested it at 1khz, not at 20 to 20,000 hz. Sure an easy test, but failed. Links for this Onkyo.[][]
In reference to your second question, one would assume you know the basics, before getting into high tech talk.
In reference to your second question, one would assume you know the basics, before getting into high tech talk.