Best shipping companies

Looking for suggestions to ship a pair of large speakers from Chicago area to new York area. The seller received a quote of $800. Any suggestions would be appreciated. 


@facten  & @tcotruvo 

Google search for "how to talk to a live person at  [shipping company] "

Even if you somehow press the wrong call direct digit(s), having your call redirected to the right department or person is not difficult. Usually it's just customer service. I've also spoken to FedEx reps who deal with collecting taxes and duties payments for parcels over the phone about this kind of thing  long ago- details about my parcel; handle with care etc.

So right after paying them...

They can redirect your call in priority order quickly; to have someone "leave a note" so to speak. And honestly, it works. Like I've said before in a previous post, I've had delivery drivers ask: so this is an important parcel, right... a milestone birthday gift?? Because that message got passed on. Arrived without issues/damage and on time or even before time!!! They will send out their best people to make a successful delivery if you make that request.

You can also call an authorized ship center / their warehouse (one that is close to you and where the package will be waiting before being delivered to you). While you might not be able to control how well the parcel is handled step-by-step from a distant country, you can get local shipping centres to listen to you.

In my experience, this has worked for FedEX, UPS, and DHL. I can't say it will work for every shipping company. I'd rather not provide incorrect information.

Long story short - while meeting quotas is certainly vital for them; keep in mind that they are in constant competition with all the other shipping companies! They want your repeat any other business you can think of.

For local businesses I just talk to the owner on the phone directly and/or in person if I'm buying that day. They assure me that their senior delivery drivers will deliver something (like a dining table or something fragile). A lot of rookie delivery drivers (especially those that are just looking to make ends meet) are often careless. 

All the best.

"call the shipping company after you have a tracking number - explain to them it’s a pair of speakers and should be handled with care. call them again once the parcel reaches the next stage - on its way to you"

I'd also like to know what numbers(s) at FEDEX you are specifically  calling to have this conversation? When you call its customer service number they don't know anymore than what you see on the tracking. Other than asking for fragile stickers to be placed on the box when dropping it off with them you're at the mercy of whoever is handling the package and at the hubs the conveyor system

I just used Estes to send a speaker from Missouri to New Jersey and it was $200 each way for the box on a skid (about 180 pounds) and had no problems.  It might have been a corporate rate I paid.  It was for some warranty work, so I can’t be sure.



@mastering92 OK, I hear you. I often ship items that cost up to $3000, so I’m very interested in how you are able to contact shippers to ask for careful handling. You mentioned FedEx as an example, would you call the general 800 number? Or do you have a direct number to the office/desk at the origin, or to the office/desk at the destination? If so, how can I get those numbers for my package locations? Any detail that you can mention regarding how you do this would help. Thx!

I recently had a package delayed so I called customer serve at the head office of the regional shipper I use. They don’t give out the phone no. of the local office, and don’t do any customer service there. When I called, they could only tell where my package had been. I had to wait a couple of days before it was delivered. With USPS you can put out a tracer for a lost package, but if it’s not late they won’t do that. In some cases I’ve had them look up a picture of a package as it was scanned on a conveyor belt. The problem there was that a second package was scanned at the same time, messing up the tracking information. Eventually it got straightened out.

Freightcenter is who I use because they offer everything I can think of, shipping companies, dates locations, prices, curbside, liftgate, you name it. Whatever you need, didn't know I needed, is all there easy to plot.


maybe it sounds weird, but I can assure you that taking extra precautions (such as calling them) is worth the time and energy investment.

sure they are handling so many parcels a day - but one or two delivery drivers is going to be assigned to deliver that parcel to you - based on the proximity of their warehouse and time/schedules of their folks who manage and complete deliveries.

I’ve also done this with kitchenware, my tempered-glass desk, furniture (new dining table) etc.

sure thing - people make mistakes, but that extra bit of effort on part of the buyer goes a long way. I once bought some audio gear from Spain, now sold - that was looked after very well and arrived without any damage.

at 18, i bought an amplifier online. Only to have it severely damaged upon arrival. it was also interally damaged beyond repair. never want to have such an experience again. and if I’m selling, i always double-box, pack it up super nice to ensure that even careless delivery drivers won’t be able to cause damage; either accidentally or intentionally.



I like and use Echo Logistics. Legacy uses them; where I got this recommendation.

@mastering92 I just can’t imagine being able to call any shipping company to tell them to be sure to handle a package with care. What company can you do this with? It can’t be DHL, FedEx, UPS or USPS, as they’re handling millions of packages daily. I use a small regional shipper and have occasionally dealt with their customer service. I can guarantee that they have no ability to contact their workers about a specific package somewhere in the process shipping. I suppose that someone could call them and ask, but I’d have zero confidence that the message would be passed on to the multiple people involved. Would a company that sells and ships audio equipment every day be on the phone asking shippers to handle their items with care?

My advice is to “bulletproof” pack items for shipment and be prepared for damage when it occurs. Items I have received in good shape were first manufacturer packed, then packaged AGAIN in a second container.  Note that this usually means that the item becomes triple boxed.  Better than dealing with damage!

@referee1 I have shipped a few sets of speakers across the country and have never had an issue.  I take the time to pack them like this.  Materials cost about $100 and worth very penny.  Requires a skillsaw and a drill.  

Agree with winoguy. You can also save a lot of money if the seller drops off the speakers at the freight terminal at a major airport and the buyer picks them up at the freight terminal on the other end. Most of the cost is the local delivery between terminal and local address. 

What winoguy said. You don't want to deal with shipping damage, it is a hassle.


Getting involved in shipping just gets you part (or all) of the blame if there is a problem.

pay for insurance on the parcel, call the shipping company after you have a tracking number - explain to them it’s a pair of speakers and should be handled with care. call them again once the parcel reaches the next stage - on its way to you.

i can’t tell you how many times delivery drivers asked me: so what’s in here?

with speakers (especially large speakers) it would be obvious. it’s always good having reassurance. how much do the speakers weigh?

in my experience, DHL and FEDEx are really good.

If you are the buyer you don't have much choice.  It is on the seller to package them well and/or find a shipping option.  Many large speakers in original boxes can be shipped ups of fedex ground.  I got a pair of Martin Logan CLS shipped to me for $300.  But the shipper took care of it.  If the shipper just wants a pro to come in and handle it, then $800 is not bad.

For you to try to arrange it you either have to have a pro package or trust the seller to package and he already doesn't want to do it.    

When I am selling, I package and ship myself for very reasonable rates.  But when buying I make sure the shipper understands that his responsibility ends when I recieve them unharmed.  Then I either accept his shipping quote or pass.  Getting involved in shipping just gets you part (or all) of the blame if there is a problem.
