Just as I noticed. The AA goes up a level w. the preamp modification. I know they do an additional mod in the US market. Curious if you can tell me what it is.
I still love my AA. I switched to the EMM & am getting my CDSD hopefully this week or new week. Then I will compare to my AA again. The EMM is better, but the AA is no slouch.
TVAD & Artg, how do you both get your posts going so often on the same day. Mine don't show up for a while normally. I have never been deleted though.
I agree that the AA has some negatives w. different volume settings but all in all it is very close. It depends on the impedance & voltage of the item it is seeing as a source. It also is just below the top of the latest bunch. I just wish I had a different CDP for different discs. Some sound better on the the EMM & others better on the Reimyo etc. This is after comparison. Very confusing & too expensive.
The Nagra sounds like an amazing preamp. Again everything is the system. How I am learning this every day. Just to add some spice. There is a new "statement" CAT preamp. Anyone heard it?
I just changed tubes in my 7.5. What a difference. Everything just became much more dynamic w. more extension at the extremes. Scary. Now to try some NOS tubes.
Just as I noticed. The AA goes up a level w. the preamp modification. I know they do an additional mod in the US market. Curious if you can tell me what it is.
I still love my AA. I switched to the EMM & am getting my CDSD hopefully this week or new week. Then I will compare to my AA again. The EMM is better, but the AA is no slouch.
TVAD & Artg, how do you both get your posts going so often on the same day. Mine don't show up for a while normally. I have never been deleted though.
I agree that the AA has some negatives w. different volume settings but all in all it is very close. It depends on the impedance & voltage of the item it is seeing as a source. It also is just below the top of the latest bunch. I just wish I had a different CDP for different discs. Some sound better on the the EMM & others better on the Reimyo etc. This is after comparison. Very confusing & too expensive.
The Nagra sounds like an amazing preamp. Again everything is the system. How I am learning this every day. Just to add some spice. There is a new "statement" CAT preamp. Anyone heard it?
I just changed tubes in my 7.5. What a difference. Everything just became much more dynamic w. more extension at the extremes. Scary. Now to try some NOS tubes.