Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.

Looking for the best sounding "budget" integrated amp for use with an Vandersteen 2C (1980’s version) speakers. CD source alternates between a Sony PS1 and Cal Audio Icon II Power Boss. Budget is roughly $300, maybe up to $400. I’ve been thinking something from NAD, but with all the different models out there, I have no idea which models are the best sounding--regardless of power. It will also need to have a phono stage. I’d like to have a remote too, but it’s not a deal breaker. My system is in a second bedroom, so even though I like to crank every once in a while, most of the time I'm listening at reasonable levels. My listening tastes consists of stuff like Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Tangerine Dream, etc.
The Cambridge integrated referenced above is rated at 35w/ch. I would be concerned that might not be enough power. I also have the Vandy 2Cs and have used a Krell S300i (150w/ch/8ohms, 300w/ch/4ohms) and am now using a Vincent hybrid amp (150w/ch/8 ohms, 300w/ch/4 ohms). I think I recall Richard recommends a minimum of 40w/ch. I don't listen to anything above 90 dB, and I would suggest the OP look for something at least 75w/ch, preferably more. Just my 2cents...

Also, I would get in contact with Johnny Rutan (Vandy guru and dealer) at 973-809-4467. He knows his stuff and will shoot straight. 
$450 + shipping.
Sansui 8080dB fully functional like new. Looks beautiful and all knobs lights present. It will CRANK your Vandys.

PM me.