Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.

Looking for the best sounding "budget" integrated amp for use with an Vandersteen 2C (1980’s version) speakers. CD source alternates between a Sony PS1 and Cal Audio Icon II Power Boss. Budget is roughly $300, maybe up to $400. I’ve been thinking something from NAD, but with all the different models out there, I have no idea which models are the best sounding--regardless of power. It will also need to have a phono stage. I’d like to have a remote too, but it’s not a deal breaker. My system is in a second bedroom, so even though I like to crank every once in a while, most of the time I'm listening at reasonable levels. My listening tastes consists of stuff like Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Tangerine Dream, etc.
A used Rega Mira should have enough juice at 60 WPC to power the speakers in a moderately-sized room and would be, IMO, a step up from the Cambridge Audio or Yamaha.  Should fit your budget.
There are many good suggestions here. The OP mentioned a budget and possible interest in a NAD amp. Many posters have suggested possible reliability issues with NAD stuff. Maybe some have had them but mine has performed flawlessly for 3 years. The NAD model numbers have changed recently. Don't know if the performance has changed but as I look at their current integrated amps the current model specs line up to previous model numbers when it comes to power and features.When researching NAD amps I went to a dealer that had all models on display.I went with the C375BEE which is 150W (approx. $1500). But going down the power chain the 356 (80W) didn't sound as good. Then lower was the C326BEE (50W). It sounded so much more musical than the 356. Online reviews and posts from others agreed. Interesting that NAD didn't change that model number designation but did on all the other amps. Perhaps NAD recognized that maybe they had achieved something special like their renowned 3020. NAD amps are high current ones and a 50W amp can drive even difficult speakers. Probably not to stadium levels.
 A new 326 sells for around $500. A bit above your budget and it doesn't have a phono stage. You may be able to find a used or refurb closer to your budget and add a phono stage. A new integrated with a built in phono stage for $400 will not sound nearly as good. I only offer my opinions as they pertain to your interest in NAD. I'm sure others will have input of their own.

Rotel RA 870BX, not too shabby....(possibly re-capped)

Dual mono 80wpc integrated. Well, dual caps and transformer windings, at least. Premium parts throughout. Old school punch.
Belles Aria.  When you hear it, you won’t consider it budget.  I’ve seen them listed as low as $1050.00.  @ it’s retail of $1995.00, it’s a steal.  Best...
I know that’s above your budget, but if you save a little and are patient, you’ll have a great integrated for a very long time.  Best...