Soix please describe for me the improvement over your last amplifier ( which one ) and the linear audio MZ2 because i am interested by Berning design...
Thanks very much for the trouble... I dreamed to buy one because i dont think much amplifier inder 5,000 bucks will beat my Sansui alpha...
Currently my Hifiman Arya Stealths are my top ‘phones and I love them and love the Hifiman “house sound” and will very likely stick with the brand. As good as the Arya Stealths are, from everything I’ve read the HE1000SE is significantly better in pretty much every way (and actually reportedly knock on the door performance wise of the much dearer and higher-maintenance Susvaras), so I covet them and they’ll likely be my next purchase as I recently upgraded my HP amp to a Linear Tube Audio MZ2 so the headphones are very likely the next upgrade. I’d say possibly the “final” upgrade at least for my HeadFi rig, but we all know here that that’s just a farce. There is no “final upgrade” among audiophiles until the last nail is driven into the coffin — its just how we’re, uh, wired. No?