Best sounding low power (under 80watts) Class AB amp?

What the world needs is a nice sounding lower power class AB amplifier under 35lbs. I'm tired of power sucking light-bulb dimming Class A designs and 80+ pound Class AB immovable boat anchors on dollies. Tubes and Class D need not apply.

An Audio Research 100.2, CJ MF-80/MF-2250 come to mind. What else is there?

What do you think? I'm I the only one?

--Sensible in Springfield.


Just looked at my Aegir and the RCA inputs seem very solid to me. Not sure what your problem is with this unless you plan on plugging/unplugging the amp dozens of times a day.  Or bashing the back of the amp, in which case the speaker connections of just about any amp are far more at risk than the RCA inputs.

But, we all have our own quirks. Hope you find something that works.

@mlsstl Yes the Aegir is a very solid and excellent amp regardless. Thank you for your suggestions!

Benchmark AHB2. Reputed to be the quietest amp on the market. Around $3000 used.

second this, have been using one for over a year. I like my 300B amp better but the best solid state I've had, and I've had a bunch

They just went from $3000 to $3300 direct from Benchmark. More like $2300-2500 used.