Responses from rick_n
Speaker upgrade? Swapping those speakers would likely be lateral at best. If you are still pleased with the sound of the Kefs how about adding a subwoofer? This will likely be the best bang for the buck. Good luck and cheers. | |
Has this ever happened to you? **Do NOT tell you dealer** You'll never get another invite to the holiday party. But seriously, congrats that's what this is all about. Be sure to share, don't hog the sweet spot from your friends and family! | |
Connecting External DAC's and Pre-Amps to Hegel Integrated Amplifiers? Wow, the original ask was very loaded. The short answer is that the Hegel integrated will do everything you talked about except accept the signal from another preamp. If you feed another preamp's output into the Hegel integrated you're going to ... | |
New Innuos Pulse, need assistance. In my experience, most DACs are optimized for one particular input. Coax vs. USB vs. AES inputs can sound very different with what the DAC ultimately outputs. Experiment with the different source inputs to see what is most pleasing to you. Also... | |
High pitch buzz in speakers after adding some LEDs High pitched buzzing is often a grounding issue. I would start there. | |
Chinese "Audiophile" Fuses Sadly, you usually get what you pay for. | |
A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks The common thought is that: High quality power cords act as "filters" Consistency of cords, not mixing and matching, yields the best results I have found the combination above to be correct and that it both lowers the noise floor and allows fo... | |
Hegel hum? Props to all who responded above. Very thoughtful and correct advice. If you’re not hearing a hum/buzzing from the speakers your concerns should be minimal. The Hegel integrated amps don’t turn off/on. They switch between standby (very low power... | |
Need a little help Harrumph and plus +3 | |
Subs? @goducks44 Great topic and qood question. I would strongly favor getting two subs over one sub. If you have room to place the subs outside of your lovely B&Ws it will stretch the sound stage and you will very pleased. I have a room, slig... | |
what is more popular silver or black face plates I agree with @max_sansui Black, out of sight, out of mind. I just want to hear the music! Cheers | |
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms I would recommend getting your room measured to see where you stand graphically. This will show any room suck outs where there is a bass void. Room EQ Wizard is free, you just need an appropriate mic. Maybe you have a friend nearby who could do... | |
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”…..Part 1: I have a plan $8k might get you close to a used Gryphon Diablo 300. Wink. | |
Would like to get more bass out of my B&W 801 series 2 speakers The Adcom GFAs (aka GreatF&ckingAmp) were good in the day but they are very, very old and would need to be recapped etc. Is it worth it? Will they be reliable? Questionable at best. Look for something more modern, and good bang for the buc... | |
Would like to get more bass out of my B&W 801 series 2 speakers IMO, you need waaay more power to dig out the bottom two octaves in that big room. Look for a very high current (high damping factor also) class A/B amp. |