There was another post from Robert Schult I read somewhere, where if I remember correctly he said it was impossible for components to be completely neutral , where as his cable design is completely neutral. So if components cannot be neutral , I would have to agree that system synergy is important. However that being said , a series of "properly" designed components in a chain from different manufactures taking in account power requirements should come close to a perfect synergy. Problem is in pratice IMO that is not necessairily the case.
On his cables, which I own, I do have the opposite opinion . Again its just my opinion, but I do believe his cables would work well with 99.9 percent of any high end system. To my ears I cant put any audiophile words to them like bright , dark, lean, forward etc. that I could with the 1/2 dozen similiarly priced cables I had tried previously. In my system and IMO they sound like no cables at all. Im sure it has something to do with that they are silver based {although Im sure there is more to it than that} but every other cable Ive tried has been copper or gold alloy based. With The Ridge Street's my cable search has ended, thats the highest praise I can give a cable.
Just my Opinion. Peace !