Best speaker cables for Thiel CS2.4 speakers

I talked to a rep from the Cable Company,he said that Thiel speakers like high capacitance speaker cables. Is this true and if it is,are there any suggestins from the Audiogon Gang, I am will to spend around 500 to 600 for a good pair from a Audiogon member
After trying a few cables from the cable company,here is the list
1. Acoustic Zen Satori
2. Audience Au24
3. Goertz MI3
4. Synergistic Research Signature 10 X2

IMHO the Signature 10 won the contest,with the Goertz and Audience not far behind,I personally did not care for the Acoustic Zen.I purchased a used pair of Signature Tens from a audiogon member.
My setup is a Simaudio Moon I5,Simaudio Moon Nova CD player and the Thiel 2.4 Speakers. Now looking for a good interconnect between the source and amp,currently using Kimber Silver Streak,asking for recommendations,anyone
A friend of mine using harmonich tehchnology magic tweeter speaker cable. Wonderful sound.
i am currently using ht pro-silways II and pro-9 on my thiel 2.3's sounds awsome i like the pro-9 better than the transparent ref cables.

sony scd-1, pass labs x350-x2, thiel 2.3's. audience power chords. john risch diy acousic panels and bass traps.

hope this helps
The Thiel's are internally wired with Straight Wire.
Have you contacted them for suggestions