Best speaker in the US $ 30-45.000,00 range

Hi all. I´m searching for a nice speaker in the high-end midprice category. On my shortlist are: Verity Audio Leonore, Sonus Faber Stradivari, Consensus Audio Conspiracy, Wilson Audio Sasha and Magico V 3. Has anybody had the chance to compare these speakers ?
No 2chnlben... but i do see your response as an attempt to control my opinion, making you the control freak.
I apologize, Weseixas, if I left you with that impression. The simple fact is that in regard to the particulars about speaker designs Jonnyb53 and I are…well, much less incorrect than you are! I was merely pointing out this fact...

I will concede however, that this is all pretty much petty bickering at this point and completely off topic - my apologies to the OP.


Ben ,

Please do explain ,why i'm more incorrect than you and johnnyB,

You both gave your opinions and i mine, I then cited historical facts of how speakers were designated in the past, I also pointed out an ad with a bigger speaker on stands , classified as a bookshelf speaker, all historically correct.

Historically the tweeter height is what is used to determined the designation...

It seems some people think the Wilson Sasha is the best speaker:

2010 Speaker of the year" and "Product of the year" award -Stereophile.

2010 "Cost-no-object Floorstanding Loudspeaker of the Year" by The Absolute Sound