Best speaker in the US $ 30-45.000,00 range

Hi all. I´m searching for a nice speaker in the high-end midprice category. On my shortlist are: Verity Audio Leonore, Sonus Faber Stradivari, Consensus Audio Conspiracy, Wilson Audio Sasha and Magico V 3. Has anybody had the chance to compare these speakers ?

You too seem to be impressed with the TAD speakers. Have you had a chance to hear the big Reference One's? Not sure where you live, but Audio Video Logic, out of Des Moines, will be holding a TAD, Krell and Nordost seminar on the evening of Thursday, January 27. Andrew Jones, of TAD, will be on hand and both the "mini monitors" (LOL) and the big Reference Ones will be demo’d on the $100,000+ house system. seminar

Disclaimer: I can’t afford either pair of TAD speakers…in fact, I’m going so I can meet the Krell rep and demo their new S-275 amp. The TADs are mighty impressive though. The big JBL Everest speakers will also be on display…hope to see some of you guys there (not sure if anyone is located in the Midwest…??).


No 2chnlben... but i do see your response as an attempt to control my opinion, making you the control freak.
I apologize, Weseixas, if I left you with that impression. The simple fact is that in regard to the particulars about speaker designs Jonnyb53 and I are…well, much less incorrect than you are! I was merely pointing out this fact...

I will concede however, that this is all pretty much petty bickering at this point and completely off topic - my apologies to the OP.


Ben ,

Please do explain ,why i'm more incorrect than you and johnnyB,

You both gave your opinions and i mine, I then cited historical facts of how speakers were designated in the past, I also pointed out an ad with a bigger speaker on stands , classified as a bookshelf speaker, all historically correct.

Historically the tweeter height is what is used to determined the designation...
