best speakers for wyred 4sound sti- 500

what speakers would match well with a wired4sound sti-500?
Never understand when folsk don't get the hook in them for a speaker and then pick and amp that compliments them.Depends on if you like the "dry" sound of Class D.You didn't mention price but you have a good amp that was a value for watts per $$$.It's also hard because you didn't mention type of music you listen to,what levels if your into bass etc.But what requires power that you have and will reveal it and is a bargain is Maggie 1.6.if you want a speaker that requires some power and can afford it that is warm and forgiving I would say the B&W 803S.But you give so little information about music taste,what you have heard and like,size of room and volume etc.It's like asking "I have to take a trip.How should I get their".How far?How fast?Maybe you want bicycle maybe you are in for 22 hour flight.Maybe you can't fly because of phobia but need a coast to coast train.Give some info.I'll bet if you ask Wally Liederman he would say Emerald 2.3 which only needs one amp and is small enough to fit in many rooms the larger ones won't and he sells/distributes both products.
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Chazzbo... yeah, all class D amps sound "dry" is like saying all tube amps are "romantic, noisy, and not very resolving," and that all conventional solid-state amps sound "bright." Also, the statement does not take into account that when you optimize a system for a particular amplifier it puts all other amp candidates at a disadvantage.

At any rate, the W4S STI-500 is an excellent, detailed and musical amplifier that can mate well with almost any speaker as it is very neutral and has great speaker control and drive capabilities. The Maggie 1.6 and the Emerald Physics 2.3 are valid candidates and there are many, many, more.

Rousosd I would suggest picking the speaker based on your room size, desired volume level, musical taste, and listening bias. Of course, as Chazzbo said, we have none of that information... To offer another analogy, it's like asking which fruit taste's better -- apples, oranges, blueberries, or watermelon?
Emerald Physics + Wyred 4 Sound is an excellent match, talk to Walter @ Underwood HiFi. Martin Logan/Magnepan also works well with class D.
I recently heard a pair of Acoustic Zen Crescendos hooked up to a W4S STI-500 and thought it was an excellent match.