Best SS amps with sound similar to tube amps

There are some SS or hybrid amps that sounds similar to the tube amps, cost not object, and power equal or more than 100W. Thanks
No contest. Clayton Audio M100's. They're back in business and have additional new models coming out shortly as well. This review NAILS the sound!
darTZeel NHB-108.

not ss sounding; but not warm and slow either. sweet and smooth as butta, but with slam and micro-dynamic life. very neutral and very low noise floor.

clarity, clarity, clarity......but no sterility or brightness.

needs a speaker with reasonable efficiency and benign impedence curve. 100 watts into 8 ohms (Stereophile measured 160 watts before clipping).

mated with the darTZeel NHB-18NS battery powered preamp it has astonishing performance.

best amp i have yet heard.

sounds like music.....not ss.....or tubes for that matter.
a sge gentlemen named victor khomenko from BAT informed me after he introduced Bat's first solid state amp that in spite of his best efforts, he could not create a tube amp which was indistinguishable from the sound of his tube designs.

after careful listening the presence of a solid state amp is evident.

it is interesting to try to find a solid state amp which has the "warmth" of a tube amp, if one ceepts the premise that tube and solid state designs sound different.

i have personally listened to numerous soild state designs.
none of them resemble the sound of a vintage tube amp.

if one is referring to amps in production in 2006, i am not aware of any amplifiers--tube or solid state, with power rating excceding 75 watts which sound warm.
I totally agree with Mikelavigne. The darTZeel sounds the most like music vs other amps I have tried. I call it my music machine.