darTZeel NHB-108.
not ss sounding; but not warm and slow either. sweet and smooth as butta, but with slam and micro-dynamic life. very neutral and very low noise floor.
clarity, clarity, clarity......but no sterility or brightness.
needs a speaker with reasonable efficiency and benign impedence curve. 100 watts into 8 ohms (Stereophile measured 160 watts before clipping).
mated with the darTZeel NHB-18NS battery powered preamp it has astonishing performance.
best amp i have yet heard.
sounds like music.....not ss.....or tubes for that matter.
not ss sounding; but not warm and slow either. sweet and smooth as butta, but with slam and micro-dynamic life. very neutral and very low noise floor.
clarity, clarity, clarity......but no sterility or brightness.
needs a speaker with reasonable efficiency and benign impedence curve. 100 watts into 8 ohms (Stereophile measured 160 watts before clipping).
mated with the darTZeel NHB-18NS battery powered preamp it has astonishing performance.
best amp i have yet heard.
sounds like music.....not ss.....or tubes for that matter.