Best standalone music server?

So I am considering dipping my toes into the full digital world and was wondering what people here may consider as the best standalone music server, and here I am going to be specific.
I do not want to consider a home pc or mac based type of system at all!
Looking at adding one of the standalone models like for example the Wyred4sound ms1 or cocktail audio.
High on my list is ability to rip my cds directly at the unit itself, access to internet radio and other music apps (Pandora etc). High quality built in dac would be nice but if not then high quality digital out to run to an external dac. I will not be needing to access music files stored on another pc as my home pc is pretty old but fully functional for my simple needs. The only music looking to access from it right now are ripped cds and internet available music in whatever form.
So if it worked out well, yes it may be a replacement even for a cd player completely

Thank you

Showing 5 responses by mahler123

The the Bluesound recommendations are what the Op wants.  No pc required, great sound, the Internet Radio made easy

I've just seen this thread for the first time.
I have the Bluesound Vault 2, and in other rooms in the home I have a Node 2 and the Minipulse.
I had tried a PC based system and frankly it was to much hassle.  I have no desire to be dealing with IT issues at home when I want to relax with music, and no one else in my family liked it.  Bluesound isn't entirely hassle free but I have found it to be much more elegant than my former Mac based system, and it covers the whole house as well.
  The DACs contained in the Vault and the Node are decent  but not exceptional.  In my two channel system where the Vault resides I run it into my external DAC, the Mytek Manhatten and it sounds as great as any other source in that DAC.  In the kitchen we listen to a lot of Internet Radio .
 I have recently started using the Vault to pull in the files that I had on my Mac and so far find it much easier than just the pc by itself.
  Different strokes for different folks.  If a PC based system works for you, then fine, but not everyone will find them so accommodating.  If they were Universally easy, then there would be no market for seperate servers.  I do find myself scratching my head here when the OP clearly stated he was not interested in a pc based system and yet others are badgering him or her to go that route
For those of you concerned that the Bluesound Vault 2 may not be high end enough for you, I suggest that if you already have a DAC that you like, play it through the DAC and call it a day
I agree with your last thought.  I love my Vault2 but in your case for the same expenditure you can get a pretty good CDP that will have digital inputs.  You will enjoy your CD collection and every other digital source more.  

@juke4u. I, for one, am not interested in having a vinyl vs digital debate.  There are plenty of other places to go looking for that discussion.  I have decided that digital is it for me and ain't lookin back.  You may notice that this folder is labeled "digital " and you may perhaps infer what people's preferences tend towards based on that folder name...