Best system for opera lover at $30,000

One of my friends asked me to recommend a system for her new house. She and her husband are opera lovers. Also love jazz and othe classical music. Her budget is $30,000, and do not decide to buy new items or used ones. My suggestion is Thiel CS6 + Mark Levinson 380 and 333 + Wadia 860. Please give me your advice.

Showing 1 response by onhwy616f64

Fusilli, you say your friends are opera lovers -- I take it they're not audiophiles (good for them). Because if that's the case then the oversized speakers, dedicated listening rooms, difficult to set up equipment and sweet spot listening chairs that us audiophile obsess about are not going to interest them. Also, how was the $30,000 budget arrived at. For a stereo setup you really don't have to spend so much. Diminishing returns set in around, say, $12,000. I think the system you suggested is great, but is that what a music lover really needs. My suggestion is to go with something that is very user friendly. Try one of the Meridian systems. They're full range, reasonably sized, decent looking, sound good and are simple to use (once professionally instaled). One box for the CD player/controller and dedicated cables to the combination DAC/amplifier/speaker. Your question goes to the heart of how normal people differ from audiophiles. Most people want good sound and really don't care much about the equipment.