Best Tube Monoblocks for Revel Ultima Salons?

Tubes and Vinyl are calling my name. I am looking for some monoblocks that will drive my Salons and deliver that sweet , warm tube sound that makes you fuzzy all over:} Any sugestions would be greatly appreciated.
I believe Kal Rubinson over at Stereophil uses Sonic Frontiers to power his bug Revel's. May be somethign to look into especially his reviews of other products using that ref system.
I use the SF Power3 amps with the Studios. I cannot comment on their use with the Salons but Larry Greenhill reviewed those speakers and you might consult his reviews for more info.
I tried SF3's based on Greenhill's review. Not good to these ears. Very slow, dynamics were gone. ML 336...pretty good but the mids and highs just did not have the "magic". Tried several others(Pass, Sim).Rzemkoski's idea of tubes & SS might be the ticket but I know dual modded Bernings worked! The magic is there. I bought the Bernings for my Merlins and was ready to sell the Salons on Agon until I set them up for test with the Bernings. Amazing sound. I would not have guessed the difference could be so large. Speed, dynamics, tone, bass, its all there.
Can you explain more about what one should look for when biamping? I currently use ML#333 driving my Thiel 3.6. (Thiel does not believe in biamping) I am just curious as to what I need to look for in a tube amp when I eventually moved to the Salon or some other speakers that will allow me to biamp.
