Best used or new DAC under $3500

What would be the best DAC for under $3500, new or used? I currently use the Chord Dave and I LOVE it. However, I'm looking to downgrade to save some dough. Some reference points:

1) Yggdrasil:  Sold it as the staging was too narrow/flat and it seemed a little lifeless
2) Ayre QB-9 DSD: Feel its a bit too bright/tizzy - at this point I'm done trying Sabre DACs.

Can anyone recommend a DAC that is not a mainstream sabre chip based DAC? I dont mind it if its an older generation or vintage DAC either - Just something I can get for under $3500. I don't want a discussion to defend Sabre DACs please.


very special 😊. Looking forward to your initial listening impressions.

I've only read positive things about the metrum pavane 3. No doubt  you've made a great choice. And I too prefer the sound of multi-bit ladder in comparison to delta-sigma.

I haven't checked extensively, but isn't the metrum pavane 3 DAC more expensive (new) than $3500?
I am sorry, I should have been a bit more clear in my post. I am talking about the new DAC from Metrum, called Onyx.  It's made with the same DAC2 modules as the Pavane 3, but instead of 4 modules per channel, it has 2 modules per channel.  And according to pretty much everyone who heard both, they are extremely close in performance.  The Onyx is priced around $2500.
I'll second "Audio Note NOS DAC, no analogue filtering, tube output stage."

Most organic, natural-sounding/musical digital music I've ever heard.