Best way to compare amps?

Hello all. I'm getting ready to compare two ss amps and seeking advice as to what would be the best way to compare. Should I listen to one for a couple of days and then swap the other one into the system? Any tips would be appreciated!
Sugarbrie ... I don't think warmup was the reason. Warmup may make something of a difference bu nothing as profound as what I heard. I think fatparrot is close to my experience. You may not notice the step up, but boy do you ever notice the step down. This applies to many other areas of life too.
I was just guessing Sean. Comparing warm components is extra important if you are not making an upgrade, but are trying to choose between two equal amps and you do not have the luxury of weeks to get a feel for them. They both sound great, but which one do you buy? I try to avoid going to an audio dealer when they first open. Everything is cold, including my brain. I also usually go back more than once before getting out the plastic.
Thanks for the replies. The amp I'm auditioning , if everyone is curious, is the Innersound esl amp and comparing it to my Odyssey Stratos amp with cap upgrade. The rest of my system consists of: Cary 303/100 cdp -> Coincident cst ic. -> Rogue 66 lsr -> Coincident cst ic. -> above amps -> AP Oval 9 biwired -> Magnepan 1.6qr. Sounds like I need to audition each one for at least a week each. I'll post my results later on. Thanks again and would like to hear any more input!
Bradz, please let us know what you think after comparing. I'd be very interesed in hearing what you thought.
Hi Brad; Of course both amps should be broken in, ie demo or used as well as warmed up. If you start introducing other variables in the comparison, ie ICs, spkr cables, power conditioners, and power cords be sure and take good notes as you go along. The more variables you introduce the longer it will take and the more complex it will become. But then one amp may sound good with one combination of wires, but the other may sound good with other wires.

Of course this could drive anyone crazy. If you're pretty comfortable with the quality of your "wires", I think it would be best-- and certainly easiest-- to keep everything constant except the amps. If you have the option, using each for several days would be a great test. Good Luck. Craig