Best way to spend $1000 on used bookshelf speakers?

There is so much experience and wisdom in this forum, so I thought I would ask for some advice. Based on what you know now, if you had a budget of $1,000 (give or take) and were looking for the best bookshelf speakers you could afford, what would you be looking for?
I have Focal Arias powered by an Audio Research VSI60 tube amp and in my opinion the sound is pretty nice.
 LSA-10 Signatures seem to be mediocre speakers, with the price constantly dropping, and very little demand for them. I have done a lot of research and legwork and I found nothing supporting the hype.

But of course it's a matter of taste and equipment too. 

I’m with you guys on this one. OP, I think I paid $1400 for my LSA-10’s, and I consider it to be money well spent. $999 is almost a no-brainer, and they’ll have that bass punch you’re after. I listen to a lot of electronic music and they don’t disappoint in that department.


Just out of curiosity, did your “research and legwork” involve actually auditioning the speakers in your system?