Best way to upgrade from a MMF9

I recently bought this table and have fallen back in love with vinyl. Now I've got the fever big time. I had an Audiogoner "tweak" my Adcom preamp including the phono stage and bought a new pair of JM Labs Electra 926's. I can sell my current TT easily to a neighbor who is now a convert. Can the tonearm/cartridge be upgraded or can a new TT in the $3000 price range make a noticable improvement?
And upgrading will certainly improve your neighbor's pleasure too!

Having gone from a similar level to about a $6K rig I agree with Twl.
Hi John,

I am a MMF7 owner. I am not certain of the arm on your MMF9 but if it is similar to the MMF7's Pro-ject arm, which I think it is, then there is a definite limit to the cartridges that you can use, i.e. forget about any of the low compliance MC models because the effective mass of the arm is too low. I believe that the Music Halls can accept any tonearm that is based on the Linn design so that may be a way of getting to better cartridges. Now it is my understanding, (and I will defer here to TWL, DougDeacon, and others with more experience) that the biggest sonic difference will come from a table upgrade. That would also give you a way to change tonearms.

Or, as Jrd351 says you could just keep what you have and be happy.

As for me, I'm saving my pennies for a complete upgrade.
Look very hard at a VPI Scout or ScoutMaster. At $2400.00 w/o cart. the ScoutMaster kicks major butt and is super easy to live with(no fussy tweaking every time you want to spin wax). The Scout at $1600.00 leaves a ton of room for Cart. money AND a ton of new music to spin. I have a Rega Planar 25 and love it, but the VPI destroys that fine table out of hand. Waiting to upgrade to a Scoutmaster myself. Good Luck and enjoy the MUSIC.