Better CDP or network player?

Considering an upgrade to my system. Gear consists Bryston B-100 integrated and Bryston 4BST power amp, bi-amp'd to Vandersteen 3A speakers. Sources are Marantz SA 8001 SACD player, SOTA Saphire TT with ACOS Lustre GST 801 arm, Grace F9E Ruby cartridge.

CDP is getting long in the tooth and beginning to misbehave. I'm torn between a new CDP or moving to a network player................No familiarity with network players or even downloading music files. I listen to red book CD, SACD and vinyl.
Suggestions? Opinions? experience?.....Budget is limited to something in the neighborhood of $2000, preferably less.
Thank You for sharing your experience w/ the Denon 1600 NE spinner.I would like to consider this player if ti is a sonic match w/ Bryston?This is a return-to-form for Denon, as the 1600 NE, is made in Japan.
Happy Listening!


Thanks for the detailed response..much appreciated. Sound quality is my primary concern, within SANE budgetary constraints. LOL......As you can see, I don't have an "uber system", but it's pretty respectable and I'm quite happy with it. Recently picked up the 4BST used for a grand, just serviced from Bryston and I love it running bi-amp with the B-100 to my Vandy 3A's.

Always thought the Marantz was a good machine, but it's getting old and fussy, which is why I'm here.

The Schiit DAC's seem to be something special, especially at the price point.  I do realize that in this hobby, EVERYODY has different opinions on EVERYTHING. My personal experience has been mostly limited to what I have or have had over the years.

Interconnecting everything seems to be an issue as far as what cabling, inputs/outputs are best, etc., but  bit of research should help me sort that out.. Lot of negative comments on using USB as an audio interface, noise etc.........The newer thunderbolt interface, via USB C, looks interesting, but I don't know if it's an improvement sonically.

Don't see myself spending, what I'd consider absurd $$$ that I don't have, on cabling and interconnects. I'm not saying that it doesn't make an audible difference, but in the end, it's still wire. If done properly I think the money is better spent in other areas..........but that's just my opinion. That's a whole different can of worms that I'd rather not open, so please don't tell me that I have to spend a couple grand on interconnects. Can't afford it, ain't doing it.

NAS seems to be the way to go, controlled via PC vs another one box solution..............Most of my library is redbook with a handful of SACD's thrown in, and some vinyl of course.......Yes, I do understand DSD/SACD and the other hi-rez files..........Some seem to think it makes a huge difference..........personally I think it depends on the particular disc. Many of my redbooks sound great, some of my SACD's possibly sound better, although the best of one is pretty close the the other, at least to my ears on my system. Perhaps upgrading to the better DAC will show a wider difference.

Looking into the NAS setup right now. Any audible reason not to simply use the PC with something like Audivarna or Jriver as the controller with an external drive to the DAC, to the pre?...........Trying to keep this as simple and reasonable from a $$$ point as possible, without losing sound quality..........No interest in multi-channel or multi-room playback. I have a dedicated, two channel, audio room and that's where I spend my evenings. 

Much appreciate the time and help folks. I'm a good tech and a life long audiophile, but the computer based system thing is new turf for me. I'm retired and getting too old to do it twice or wrong. Do it once, do it right and keep enough money to buy groceries when I'm done. LOL

As far as the Bryston gear............Always thought that it as close close to "uber" as I could afford and still eat :) Built like a tank, best warranty I've ever heard of and sounds great. That works for me. YMMV

Bryston & Vandy is a great combo from two of the credible, most solid supportive companies in the game for the long haul. Smart, safe choices.

To address your questions in order, first, yes USB can be troublesome but in the last few years much progress has been made. One of the things I like about Sonore network players is that they come with a short(~2in.) USB hard connector included. The microRendu is about the size of a pack of cards or cigarettes. Place directly behind your dac input with just the long hard between player & dac. You can always upgrade later to a fancy little cable(e.g.4in. of silver wire) for ~$100 if it suits your fancy, but you probably won't ever feel the need. The approach minimizes USB trouble without spending extra on 2-headed cables, isolator boxes or other things that attack the same noise issue w/varying approaches. 
The PC running A+ or Jriver is certainly viable and sounds pretty good. Why I left that setup (mac mini  w/A+) is because my 3TB external drive was about full, no room to connect another. The power supplies for both mac & the external drive add noise that is connected directly to the dac by a longer USB cable. Not ideal, but okay. 
Think of the spinning mechanical drive being in another room -advantage. Think of a tiny power supply vs. the bigger one for pc - advantage. Think of stripped down Linux operating system only running audio vs. WIN or MacO/S running a hundred processes to monitor everything from viruses to video to screen settings. - advantage. Think of freeing yourself from constant O/S security updates and planned O/S obsolescence - advantage. All reasons to consider dumping the computer for a single purpose lower power player that gets data from an expandable disc NAS located in another room.  
You can always start w/the PC dac, start ripping your discs get started and switch to network player & NAS later with same dac. I wouldn't suggest that, but since you already have the PC it's a cheaper way to get started. Maybe you can find a local w/ NAS/networkplayer and bring your pc over there and listen to the difference. I did that and it helped me decide to dump the mac. Cheers,

Good Morning 

Thanks again Spencer for a detailed and informative response. How did we ever get by before the WEB???....So many helpful people with varying experiences and so much info right in your living room, or at the moment sitting on my porch with a cup of coffee watching the sun come up :)

Great point concerning PC/MAC and the myriad of non-related crap that would be running in the background. Neither of which is optimal from an electrical noise standpoint.........Convenient yes, optimal no.

Time for some more research while I drink my coffee and get ready for the day.

Thanks folks :)