Beware - FedEx Drivers are forging signatures for delivery confirmation

In the span of 2 days I had 2 separate deliveries of expensive audio equipment delivered by FedEx. One on the east coast and one on the west coast. They were both insured for the full amount and high dollar values, which triggers FedEx required direct signature by the recipient. In one case the recipient let me know that the driver signed for him and left the package in the snow next to his mailbox. He never made contact with the driver nor signed for the package. In the second case the driver again signed for him and left the package on his porch, and never made contact with the recipient. In both cases everything turned out ok, but this terrible business ethics from FedEx employees.

It's blatant forgery by the drivers, and who is left holding the bag if the package is stolen? It's the driver's word against the recipient. I have a feeling the shipper (in both cases me) would be when I paid for full value insurance. What is the motivation of the driver, just laziness so they don't have to come back for another delivery attempt? I made a formal complaint with FedEx which supposedly they are going to trace down, but I have a feeling this is not going to make a difference.

Things are getting worse and worse these days!


@onhwy61 ​​​​​​My brother-in-law worked at UPS as a delivery driver, he was paid well.

In my area UPS drivers work for UPS and the service is good, same for USPS. FedEx is a mix-and-match of people in rented trucks who are subcontractors. They are way less reliable and accountable.

"..yet you people seem to think you can use them to send very valuable goods anywhere in the world. "

Well, yeah. Since that’s literally their job and what they’re in business to do.


I do a little custom work and ship with USPS.  I, knock on wood, have never lost a package.  I print barcoded labels and insure my package with an ample supply of tape.  

I occasionally have people who have had a bad experience insist on UPS, or insist on fedex. This will last until they have a bad experience with the new shipper-of-choice.   99% of all problems with shippers is a result of inadequate packaging or poor address labeling.


UPS are actual employees of UPS, FedEx drivers are "independent contractors" according to FedEx.  FedEx drivers drive around in the company vehicles and wear the company uniforms but are paid much less than the unionized UPS workers because they are essentially working for a contractor, not FedEx.  UPS has been in court fighting for years to get this "independent contractor" status that FedEx uses removed so that they can compete with FedEx on an equal basis. The old adage "you get what you pay for" is true in this case:  higher turnover and employees who  care less