Hi Husk01, yeah when I saw the back I was not all that impressed with the layout and being so tight including the single binding post, I don't know if you are aware but each amp uses two power cords also.
I am currently already true bi-wired with two pairs of Stealth Dream speaker cables and will be staying that way. I have not confirmed but I would think that the post should offer enough allowance for two sets of spades on each post.
Canada is a pretty well spread out country, the North American distributor unfortunately isn't that close but in another province, we have already been speaking which has been a pleasure, nice guy. Where I'm at right now is awaiting to hear this Joule Destiny set-up that "Dob" heard with the MBL's when he was in TO. recently and raved about but now I'm not sure if it's going to even happen as the owner has now bought Fischer SL1000 speakers so I'm just chilling and awaiting him to contact me back.