Dev, I contacted a Karan dealer in Norway where I live, but he hasn't even contacted me back or followed up my interest... Meanwhile, I experienced that all Nordost cabling in my system has transformed the sound to a new and unbelievable level. I have decided to keep the Rowland 301s. I must admit I am very happy with them they way my system now sounds.
I am planning to build a second system, but of practical reasons that has to wait a bit. I am leaning towards Avantgarde or Acapella speakers in this system. The plan is to later move my 301s to this system and maybe also add the new Criterion preamp from Jeff Rowland. By that time I will have to get some new amps in my main system and I am almost 100% sure that will be Burmester, 911s or preferrably 909 monos if I can afford them.